Sunday 4 January 2009

Good Start for 2009!

Things with Olivia seems to be getting better and better! Although it seems the catching game isn't working as I expected (although to be fair the smallest place I have to do it is a 20mx60m arena), everything else is going 10 times better :)

I realised that I was trrying to do too much in my sessions with Olivia, so I've decided to cut down the new things we are learning, and then work on 2 new concepts (max) a session, and reinforce with fun things we already know how to do!

What I'm focusing on at the moment is driving from zone 5 and sideways (which isn't new, but we definately were having problems which have already started improving!) Driving from zone 5 is going good, I don't want to move into trot until we have a really solid stop and back up from walk.

The other day I managed to get Olivia to half jump a jump in the squeeze game, and then come off it sideways! Boy was I proud !!

Then theres freestyle...I'm not gonna lie, my bareback riding really isn't something to be proud of! Its fine at walk and trot, but I'm a bit nervous of cantering..not sure why ?! But anyway, I'm working on it (meanwhile my saddle gathers dust...). But the thing thats REALLY cool? Our back up when I'm on her! She goes so fast now, and thats just after two days work on it , what a fast learner!

So...only 7 months until my next parelli course....on the bright side I suppose thats plenty of time for improvement!

Thanks for reading, Jo xx

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