Wednesday 24 June 2009

New Slate

The last couple of weeks have been a little challenging with Olivia, because I've assumed that just becasue Olivia has does something well once, she'll do it again.

2nd principle of natural horsemanship, 'don't make assumptions'.

I've slowed right down, and am taking the time it takes, going right back to basics where its needed and filling in the blanks. And it works, today Olivia came to me when I was at the gate, and she was offering lots. I did some driving from point a to b with her, trying to get her interested. She asked me loads of questions, and was always searching for what I would ask her to put her nose on next, which was cool.

When I saddled her up we did a lot of cloverleaf just at the trot, getting ready for canter. She knew the pattern so well that I hardly had to do anything. She wasn't offering much speed wise, so it was a verrryyy calm westerny sort of jog, but it was cool. And when I wanted to stop at x, I just let all of my energy go and she responded within 3 steps, which is VERY good for us.

Afterwards I gave her a hose down because it is HOT HOT here (well, 24 degrees) but she seemed to enjoy it. Shes got weepy eyes at the minute which isn't great, because it means I have to put a fly mask on her and no joke, she looks like an alien with it on! One of the ladies at the stable was kind enough to lend me hers until I get one on the weekend. Its nothing serious, theres no puffiness or swelling or anything, I think its just allergies. Also, since Olivia had her teeth done she has been soooo much quieter in the mouth! In September a dentist had a look and said she was fine, but the other week one came down and he said her teeth were very sharp.

But now everythings good, and shes enjoying the hot tempuratures and spring grass :) I keep meaning to take photos, but I forget to take my camera!! This page looks so bare with just writing, I'll do what I can to get my mum to come along on Saterday.


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