Monday 11 May 2009

LBE on half day turn out...

NOT a good idea! She's only been on the half day turn out a few days and she acts like shes been imprisoned for years. So, shes back on full day turn out. Her hard feed is basically now pasture mix, so if the weight continues to pile on I'll just totally cut out the hard feed - since I've got exams she won't need it anyway.

Just a quick update - I can't get down much because I've got so much studying to do. But on the weekend I had a few quick sessions. But she was so full of energy and so LBE that all I did was just calm her down, and once she was chilled and standing still we played a teeny bit and then finished and relaxed. So rather than advance, we just learnt how to deal with a super LBE. I'm still saddleless, dispite driving round the ENTIRE county on Saterday trying to find a wintec wide with a 17" seat. I even had the pleasure of an old woman telling me there was no way I could fit into a 16.5" seat, before she interogated me on what breed horse I have, and that I would do fine with a normal wintec. My emotional fitness was definately testing me, that was the 3rd tack shop we'd been to that day, I was tierd and I wanted to see my pony. I just wanted to tell her to SHUT UP PLEASE!! I didn't, I smiled and said no thanks, good bye.

A friend at the yard is getting a saddler to come and take a look at her horse, so I figured he may as well look at Olivia, and hopefully fit her with the correct gullet and everything with the wide. I also won the bid on another black country bridle yesterday on ebay. The bit is 5", and the old one was 4.5" but hopefully we'll be ok. If not, at least its just a bit and not the whole bridle.

And now, for the best news! I was speaking to my mum today, and she told me she had to book the tickets for Poland (we go every year) next weekend. And I reminded her that we ought to buy the celebration tickets as well. And then, totally unprompted, she says 'oh, and I decided today that I will pay for that masterclass course you want to do'. Uh....WHAT??? Literally, i was quite shocked. I've worked out that if they run the 3rd week free thing they did last year, and if I discount Olivia's livery that £2500. But, being a good person and all I said thanks mum, but I won't feel like I deserve it. So I'll still work for the money, but it's nice to know that she'll chip in if I don't make enough in time. I love my mum!!

Anyway, one exam done today and four more to go. I guess that means I should get back to my work!

Jo x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How amazing you'll be going to the MAsterclass next year, that sounds like so much fun!
Your Mum's cool!