Monday 2 March 2009

Poo Picking

Probably the best way to bring horsey people together :P

Basically, none of the liveries had really been poo picking the fields, and as a result they were FULL of it, so the yard owner decided to get everyone together so we could all poo pick, and then have a good old barbaque on the first Sunday of the month :) What a lovely day! (minus the hard work and the fact we were shovelling...yano...)

So I got down early to play with Olivia, and I toned down my actions and I laughed and thought OH BOY rather than criticise. And I had a different horse! She 'tried it on' a little, chucked in a rear and a load of head tossing, but I stayed calm, positive and progressive and she just thought ah brilliant, now I will do what you ask WILLINGLY! So the first time EVER I got Olivia doing a figure of 8 at the trot without me flapping about! RESULT!

Pats Principles:

Especially positive body language !

And what was really nice, the women who also have horses in my field and me went out in the evening to bring them in, and I told them how in Poland all we did was whistle and clap our hands and the horses would come running. So they said, 'go on then Jo, give it a go' and I did, and HEY PRESTO, three beautiful horses came galloping towards us ! Woopdidooo!!!!

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