Saturday 6 December 2008

A New Start!

So, today I played with Olivia for the first time in what feels like a million years, and boy was she an angel!!!

There were a few hiccups here and there, but weellll, with out them i would have learnt nothing!!

To begin with, when i went to her field, all I did was whistle and shout OLIIVVVVIIIAAA, and she came! Fair enough, it was at the slowest walk imagineable, but still :D!!

Then, we played a little, and she did not want to keep still! I tried to get her using her brain by doing lots of sideways and backups, and it worked to an extent, but she was still buzzing! So I spotted two obstacles i could use to do a figure of 8, and off i went!

Now I'm not going to lie...I need a LOT of practise at that pattern! I really don't know why its so hard for me to grasp, but I'm definately going to watch the DVD again! Despite me being a bit of a mess, Olivia sort of got it and that was enough to make me happy!!

ANDDD i also got about 3 laps of unbroken canter on the circle! WOOOOWWW!!!

When she seemed pretty calm, I put the hackamore on and did a bit of follow the rail at walk, trot and canter, which she did beautifully. she did chuck in a buck at the canter, but it wasn't mean, i think she was enjoying her self!

So, you could probably tell that i am a happy bunny!! And I think Olivia is as well!!

MAN, i love my pony!!!!! ANNNDD the best bit? 1 week until my course with Rachel Morland!

Jo xx


Lucy said...

Have a great course with Rachael, Jo. You'll have a blast! :)

coc_parelli said...

Hey Jo!

Have fun at your course that should be great!

P.S. I love you horses's name! lol

Savvy Out,
Olivia, Cocoa, and Dixie

Jo said...

thank you both!!
i'm soo excited but i never thought of how early i have to get up tomorrow!!!

but i KNOW i'll have a ball :P