Monday 16 February 2009

8 barrels and a million possibilities!

My barrels came today - all 8 of them :D !!

I could only be bothered to wheelbarrow 2 down to the school for me and Olivia's play session, but even with those we had a lot of fun!!!

They are a looot bigger than I thought, I never though much of jumping upright barrels but looking at these I was like wooaaahh. I'm on half term this week, which is great because technically I can spend loads of time with Olivia, but not so good because I have mocks when I get back and I really should get revising.

Anyway, so far so good. I've been working on perfecting a few bits and bobs for filming my level 1/2 online audition (and hopefully level 2 freestyle). I think we shouldn't have to many problems though, and then because of the new format I will officially be LEVEL 3!! WOW!!!!

Yesterday I went on hack on the roads with a few friends from the stables, and I got a LOT of funny looks from other horsey people with my parelli rope reins, but maybe the fact I was riding on a 'scarry' road with a loose rein! There was only 1 moment where I got a bit worried, when a whole flock of cyclists came past on the other side of the road! Olivia stopped and went veerrry RBI, but came out of it quickly becasue the other horses were fine (thank god).

Back to the barrels (yayyyy!!) Olivia LOVED them! She realised she can paw them, push them, lick them, head but them! I can't wait to get her a nice big ball!!

And finishing on a sad, sad note: as it stands, the UK celebration is only two days, which means NO SAVVY SPOTLIGHT :( :( The UK team are working on it though, so hopefully they can fix this! I really want to go !!!!

Jo x

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