Friday 7 November 2008

Excess Energy

At the moment I'm having to put Olivia on full livery, because of the fact I finish school at 4 and it gets dark at 4.30, and it takes me a MINIMUM of 40 minutes to get from school to stable (on public transport).

So basically, the two girls that work there ride her (don't get me wrong, they are AMAZING riders!!!). Anyway, today one of the girls told me that Olivia had been good as gold (yay!), but that she was very sweaty so I shouldn't be shocked. Well she was sweaty, and thats fine because she needs the exercise, and she has a fairly thick coat.

So I decided to take her for a niiiceee long walk/graze (because she doesn't get turnout), and it was all going good until we got to one meadow, and she just suddenly exploded!!

I swear I can't find a reason for it, and it didn't seem like a temper tantrum because I had honestly done nothing to provoke it! The only explanation I could find was exuberance, which is funny becasue she had a long ride!

it just proves to me that I am right in moving her to a place with turnout, where hopefully she can let go of all her energy, and actually BE A HORSE!

Well I have to get ready to go for dinner, so thanks for reading!!!
Jo x

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