Wednesday 29 October 2008


Just to help you get to know Olivia a bit better, here are the horseanality charts I've filled out for her. She has consistently been LBE, but its got stronger and stronger!
The first is from summer 2007, which would be when I found her!

After she had been in her new home for a year (but no parelli was done with her over that year) this is what she was like:


Then in September when she came to her new home in BRITAIN!, I filled one out. This is probably inaccurate, because she had been travelling for days and she was in a totally new environment (5 horse herd, to 100s of polo ponies).

I'll fill her out another one when she moves to her new yard, and then when she settles in! I think it will take her a while to settle down, so it will probably be months before her true characteristics show!

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