Thursday 17 September 2009

And so it begins...

The beginning of the end. My god it's scary, daunting, fullfilling and exciting at the same time. We are well into the school term now and teachers are feeling confident to give us ridiculous amounts of homework. I have actually forgotten what my horse looks like since I haven't seen her in so long :(

Last Sunday she was a little star when I just did about 15minutes of online with her, just warming up to ride. By the time I got round to riding her, the horses had been bought in from the fields and we were alone at the school. That freaked her out quite a bit. I spent the whole session practising our lateral flexion until she relaxed, and she eventually did chill out. Her tongue was going crazy with its silly licking thing though, so I know she wasn't confident, its something I've got to work on, but it's hard because I don't know when other people will be using the school, so it's just luck (or unluck) if one day we turn out to be on our own.

If we had a graph of our progress, I reckon that we are a stable line going across, so increase or decrease at the moment. I wouldn't except anything else since we have so little time together, but its so frustrating because after a massive 'up' in our savvy over summer I really don't want to be pottering about at the same level. It's important for us to do this though, get our feet on the ground and heads out of the clouds before we shoot for the stars again :)

Hopefully pictures soon xx

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