Monday 11 July 2011

Try New Things

Always somewhere in my new years resolution list...

I've recently started a new bed with wood pellets ( Got the stuff since I've gone onto DIY now I'm home for good, and shavings are just far too expensive, especially with my extra wet horse. It was getting beyond gross to muck out. For those that don't know, wood pellets are an alternative bedding which, apparently, are more popular in the states. They are cheaper than shavings, more environmentally friendly because they degrade quicker, and quicker to muck out (which is definately true). The wierd thing about them is that when you bed down for the first time you have to water them so that they expand. The glorious thing is, they soak up wet! So ideal for wet horses like Olivia. I put them down about 4 days ago, and mucking out has never been so quick. Where I used to get a full wheelbarrow of muck out a day, now I take out about a quater. Even though Olivia kicking and burying her poo, the way the pellets fall through the fork like a sieve means minimal bedding is removed. Hooray! Me likey, I'll let you know how she gets on. If you want any more specific info about the wood pellets just email me -

That's not the only new thing - NEW BIT! It's great, she's still sticking her tongue out but she's a lot lighter on the bit a lot more of the time. Result.

I'm also going to go back to the level 3 booklets and work my way through them again so that everything's polished for France and we can learn new stuff. I'll write how she does and hopefully will soon have pictures and a new video. Can't wait for September!!
Love Jo xxx

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